Manhattanhenge: A Unique Bi-Annual Photo Op for New Yorkers

Twice per year something really cool happens: the stars, or rather one particular star, aligns with the grid of streets running through Manhattan island, offering photographers and astronomers alike an opportunity to go out and snap a few very unique and very cool photos. On May 29th (today) and July 12th of this year (it varies a bit each year) the sun sets in perfect alignment with the Manhattan grid. It’s known as “Manhattanhenge“. On those specific days, when the sun sets, you will see half of the glowing orb above and half below the horizon — although you can still get some cool, though not quite as perfect, photos on the days before and after.

Keep in mind that this sort of thing isn’t limited to Manhattan. The days will vary, but any city laid out in a grid will offer this special photo op a couple times per year. It won’t be quite as perfect as Manhattanhenge because of Manhattan’s clear view of the horizon past the grid, but us non-New Yorkers will take what we can get.

Image credit: Manhattanhenge by 4rilla, manhattanhenge by lorenzo please, Manhattanhenge by GRI SHA, Manhattanhenge on 34th Street by numbphoto – Landscapes from the inner mind, and Manhattanhenge by sahadeva
