Dancing to Music in Timelapse

Here’s your daily dose of (semi)photographic inspiration: Musical duo Gloobic put together this creative video in which Eric Gunther, one of the two members, dances to a Gloobic track in timelapse.

I’ve never seen choreographed dancing in timelapse before, and there were all sorts of different words that went through my head as I was watching this (i.e. awesome, hilarious, strange, creative, and difficult). Keep an eye out for the guy who stops to take a close-up picture. Hilarious!

It’s pretty amazing what two guys and a little creativity can accomplish.

I wonder what the dancing looked like in real time, and what onlookers were thinking during the shots where the cameraman is pretty far away. It must have been somewhat bizarre.

If you liked the music, you can purchase the duo’s latest album, Music for Nothing on Amazon.
